Who's Awake


Nowt planned for today!

Move along please: nothing to see here....

Off into Llandeilo this morning despite the yellow weather warning for rain!

HELLOOOOO!...is there anybody out there?
Morning Annie :)

A day of watching rugby on the telly today with 3 live matches this afternoon.
....and he's back :)

Haven't seen you on this thread for a few days Laird?

Happy Parent Day...especially to those of you who identify as mothers :)

Head sharpening first thing; then off food shopping; then our lad is coming to stay for the night as a surprise for Mrs GMJ on Mother's Day.
Mother's Day is popularly held to be 9 months after Father's Night, for which frank and earnest preparations began 3 weeks earlier until the same sex marriage opponents heard of the plans. Because they don't think that a man and wife should be frank and earnest; one of them should be a woman, apparently :D The Assistanat Stage Manager is holding my coat in the wings, must fly ...


Plugging the MH in and putting some stuff in it today ready for the off tomorrow.
Just up to Cirencester for 8 nights visiting friends and rellies Steve.