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Another sunny day, so probably try the south coast today - haven't been to Paignton lately :Thinking_Face_Emoji
Enjoy your trip Chris are you off in the van?
Off to Cornwall for a few days if there is no major problem with the blingo MOT this morning. The forecast is decent, if chilly, and it's been a couple of weeks since the bus has had a trip, so pasties and ice cream here we come :cool:
Well thought we were going to view a Motorhome yesterday (Tuesday) but couldget in touch with the owner! Ooh well always another day to try!
Morning campers like the photos Tess haven’t been on for a couple of days properly as Malcolm and me haven’t been well, Malcolm with flu and with me my hearhas been working it’s self! Haha hope everyone is well
Hope you're both feeling better soon Jeanette and then you can celebrate reaching 1000 posts :Smiling_Face_Emoji:
Jeanette;n27758 said:
Morning campers like the photos Tess haven’t been on for a couple of days properly as Malcolm and me haven’t been well, Malcolm with flu and with me my hearhas been working it’s self! Haha hope everyone is well

hope both of you will soon be feeling on top form soon......quite exciting for you looking for a van....good luck in finding what you want Jeanette........take care
Tes;n27880 said:
morning all, home now. No pretty pictures today :(

thanks for the pics would be nice to know where in scoland each one was taken...........home safe and sound cosy and warm before the big cold spell............take care
Evening campers thanks for the get well’s but still out of sorts both of us Malcolm is slowly getting there still not eating though and my heart is still working it’s ticket! Sue how’s David doing? trixie take care in the coming cold snap! Those out on the road safe travels! Edina yaay 10002 posts!!:Thumbs_Up_Hand_Sign
We got excited about going to see a van trixie but when we viewed more pics it needed some work doing and for the price it was it wasn’t justified so that was that! And slightly disappointing but always another one!
Seen sky news last night and there was a bad explosion in Leicester where a shop collapsed just heard on the news there was a couple of fatalities ?

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