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trixie88;n27726 said:
oohhhh it looks cold....nice pics. thanks where were these taken

the top two were off the top of the Ben Nevis range after you have gone up in the gondola. The bottom one was a view somewhere between Ben Nevis and Lochore.
trixie88;n27913 said:
thanks for the pics would be nice to know where in scoland each one was taken...........home safe and sound cosy and warm before the big cold spell............take care

They were taken all over. most are views as we were driving down the road. Every corner was an amazing view. I would have to say Loch Locky was the most beautiful view. Breathtaking.
Spent the morning in Sidmouth, or to give it a more fitting name, Wrinkly Town. Sea worra bit too chopoy for a dip, so we had a brekky instead and a mooch round the shops.
Edina;n28041 said:
Spent the morning in Sidmouth, or to give it a more fitting name, Wrinkly Town. Sea worra bit too chopoy for a dip, so we had a brekky instead and a mooch round the shops.

Chris I think that’s what we would have done as well!! Are you away in the van?
Reckon spring is definitely getting closer. Lovely day yesterday with lots of tidying up jobs done on the gardens; greenhouse already close to bursting with trays of bedding plants and over wintered fuchsias and geraniums. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sent away for new aires books ,holidays getting nearer .happy mothers day to all mums out there
How on earth do I start a new thread please, I must be going blind as I cannot see where to do it grrr
I just knew by posting that I'd find it Grr GRRRRRR

:D :D :D
Pudsey Bear;n29624 said:
How on earth do I start a new thread please, I must be going blind as I cannot see where to do it grrr

I'm guessing you found it but if not, it's the blue-ish button with the "+ New Topic" at the top of each forum. :)
I think I may have found it :( :(
Not even close, it appears to have found a home under my skin :D :D

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