Chat Room

Edina;n22945 said:
Got a pot of pea n ham soup bubbling away for lunch :Ok_Hand_Sign_Emoji:

Pea ham that's a pun for a Mexican peasant.
Collected the bus - no squeal now. Twas the aux belt tensioner :Thumbs_Up_Hand_Sign
Edina;n23005 said:
Collected the bus - no squeal now. Twas the aux belt tensioner :Thumbs_Up_Hand_Sign

Great news I think Phils squeal is a little different.
Well I can go cook tea now we got it over the 20,000 posts before the draw lol
We've had a smashing day of sunshine, but a nippy breeze with it.
Bus ready for early start tomorrow.
Mojito chicken legs with couscous inabit- arriba arriba andele- meep meep!
is it friday already annie it must be vodka time as the sun is upand over the yard arm
Very enjoyable day, cold but dry.
Dometic chap has rung, job's done - new stat - and I'm picking the fridge up Monday pm :)
Edina;n23675 said:
Very enjoyable day, cold but dry.
Dometic chap has rung, job's done - new stat - and I'm picking the fridge up Monday pm :)

Is that weight lifting, weight watching or waiting for it?
My missus has been going to weightlifters, no weightwatchers every week for 5 months. So far she has lost 40 pounds-at £2 a week.

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