France 2023 tour.

Been crazy here today with the Mistral winds. Yesterday was bad, yet fine within the walls of Avignon, different story when in the open and exposed to the wind. Around 22.00 hrs last night, winds subsided. Around 05.00 hrs this morning, wind woke me up as it like a steam train heading towards us. Before heading out this morning, I moved MH away from trees, tonight, no MH’s are parked under tree’s.

When we were leaving this morning to tour, I set alarms as normal, MH sitting broadside to wind, alarm went off when hit with a sudden and huge gust of wind.

Mistral winds still blowing, I reckon 6 to 7 on the Beaufort wind scale. We planned to return to Avignon this afternoon, the bridge over the Rhone is long and users exposed to the Mistral winds, we did not go due my assessment of not safe.

Reads OTT, it is still blowing as I post!!
Was an interesting drive, especially when hit with broadside gusts. Out of it now and on a beautiful WC spot north of Ales. Pics attached.
. (44.2432807, 3.9844272)
Chill here for a couple of nights 🇫🇷🍷😎
I have viewed some really interesting private residential properties during this trip.

Today while out for a short stroll, I saw this, see pics. The old cart with wine barrel is for decorative purposes, the cart is an original and over 100 year old. Pic with goose in pen, also chickens, supply eggs to the owner. The stone wall with windows is the old gents house, if you look close you can see him on what is his roof terrace. A Peacock 🦚 also wanders around the roof terrace, that and the goose 🪿 offers a great and free security service.
The "Old Gent" looks about my age. ☹️ The position of the windows suggest an irregular room layout, but I can't help wondering what lies behind the largest opening, and why it's needed? It's altogether an odd house.
The "Old Gent" looks about my age. ☹️ The position of the windows suggest an irregular room layout, but I can't help wondering what lies behind the largest opening, and why it's needed? It's altogether an odd house.
Ha ha re auld gent, I forget I am one too 🤔

Arched openings looked like a corridor, as I could see an internal stone wall made from same stone as exterior.

Latest street view is from eight year ago, looks like some kind of air source heat pump once sat there?

Certainly an interesting and unusual property, and the views from the roof terrace will be fantastic.
Florac behind us, on towards the Gorges of Tarn, to say the road was challenging is an understatement. Steep with numerous hairpins to cope with, a real clutch tester, same again going down, steep with hairpins, a brake tester. The scenery was stunning, worth the testing drive.
Pics from panorama view point, looking down towards where we had just driven through.

Challenging roads behind us and on to the A75 motorway, which is fortunately not a peages route. Now parked up on free aire (no facilities) parking only for six MH’s, within the BVF of Blesle. From what we have viewed this evening, it is a stunning old quaint village. Had dinner at a hostelry, the steak Aubrac cattle, was the best I have tasted, along with potato purée mixed with Truffle oil 😋

Challenging roads behind us and on to the A75 motorway, which is fortunately not a peages route. Now parked up on free aire (no facilities) parking only for six MH’s, within the BVF of Blesle. From what we have viewed this evening, it is a stunning old quaint village. Had dinner at a hostelry, the steak Aubrac cattle, was the best I have tasted, along with potato purée mixed with Truffle oil 😋

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Hope you bought a meal for bea,starting to think your splashing money aboot then read the free aires yah tight ar*e 😀
Hope you bought a meal for bea,starting to think your splashing money aboot then read the free aires yah tight ar*e 😀
Listen to squeak squeak when you walk. We didn’t know this aire was free, I am purely sharing this info for the benefit of forum members who find themselves in this neck of the woods.

Bea had the steak too, and was of same opinion as myself, a braw bit of nicely cooked beef. Now GTF and hope you enjoyed your KFC tonight 😋🇫🇷🍷🇫🇷🍻
Oh no.... You are heading north towards Blighty. ☹️
Tomorrow we are heading towards a nondescript village about 10 kms from where we are now, Bea has an uncle there and a visit beckons. Also Beas lad Sebastien arrived at Lyon airport to visit uncle and cousin. When visit is over, early Wednesday all three of us are heading back to village near Chauvigny to see his gran for a week visit, gran knows nothing of her grandson visit, it is a surprise.

Seb then takes TGV to Paris where he meets up with colleague for client meetings, he then flies back to Edinburgh. And we will continue our tour back towards The Train aka LeShuttle.

With this change, Puy-De-Dom will have to wait till the next trip.
Anyhoooo, weather overcast here at Blesle with a hint of rain. Would have been nice to tour in the sunshine, the big plus, not too hot while walking and, far from busy with visitors. We have visited a few BVF villages now, and even with overcast conditions, I would rank Blesle highly!

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