Weather Report..................

As seen in my Lidl weather station which was recommended earlier in the thread. Dry at least but only 16 degrees.

It's 0830 and already warm here in Delft with a likely high of about 23°C. It's blue above and breakfast is calling.

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Colin ???
on the Guardiana River. .

It's Paradise.
Neighbours say a storm is due, Blackbirds agree...
but they're watering the plants.. Just in case.

25 degrees on the coast, 21 up here.
Nightingales and Golden Orioles filling the valley with beautiful music.
It's been a warm day with blue sky here just north of Katwijk san Zee, Netherlands.
So we went for a bike ride up the coast to view the 'floats' being decorated with flowers for the parade tomorrow.


This is done by volunteers who work VERY long hours. The group working on this 'float' were working until 0300 this morning then started again at 0800!

The weather is forecast blue and 23°C tomorrow so the enormous effort put in by these folk will be seen at it's best.

Colin ???
The temperature plummeted to 11°C overnight here in the Netherlands but warmed to approximately 22°C by this afternoon under a clear blue sky.



Colin ???
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It has been perfect weather in Glasgow today. Pity really that drive it day is tomorrow, when it's back to :Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops
Thunderstorms last night, sunny again now. :Thumbs_Up_Hand_Sign:voltage_emoji_icon_:The_Sun_Face_Emoji::Umbrella_Rain_Drops
The North Sea quenched the sun last evening at the end of a lovely day:

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Today it's been warm again and the fields have been freshly painted to mark the occasion:


Colin ???
Not bad if a tad chilly today, but looking at the rest of the week no dry days here at all. Cloudy would be :Slightly_Smiling_Fa
The temperature has plummeted to 15°C here in the Netherlands with only intermittent blue above.
So a bike ride was in order.

Colin ???