Weather Report..................

By lunchtime the sun had won the contest and it's been (at times) a hot afternoon with (at times) a stiff breeze.
The weather today emphasised the beauty of our island. We're very lucky to be able to enjoy it the way we do.

Colin ???
A little bit of a breeze but :The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji: again today. Another completely dry week forecast too :Smiling_Face_Emoji:
None of the lightning forecast for Applewood materialised today, though Annie and I tracked it across the UK on We both enjoy the spectacle of thunder and lightning so felt quite jealous of those nearer the action.
Instead we've had a large helping of sun and a side portion of breeze to enjoy.

Colin ???
Sun's up in cream tea land.

Shame you missed the show Colin, here's what it looked like

More :The_Sun_Face_Emoji::The_Sun_Face_Emoji::The_Sun_Face_Emoji: and should be 25 degrees today.
Edina;n35172 said:
Sun's up in cream tea land.

Shame you missed the show Colin, here's what it looked like


Thanks Chris.
Emphasising my and Annie's loss is very thoughtful.
Still loving the Emojis etc. so please keep them coming.

Here at Applewood we've had a wonderful start to the day with a clear blue sky and a gentle breeze.
What could possibly go wrong?

Colin ???
Some very warm ☀️☀️☀️ Today and much better than forecast. Roll on inner Hebrides next week!!!!!
I left Applewood, Norfolk about midday in sunshine.
By the time I got back to Hertfordshire I was driving in torrential rain.
Such is life.

Colin :):):)
More :The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji: today :Slightly_Smiling_Fa
We had rain overnight and this morning it's a threatening shade of grey.
Not at all inspiring.

Colin :):):)
Sun getting through periodically here and warm!!!! Cornwall