Weather Report..................

Edina;n35455 said:
Hope tis the same in France, we'em off tomorrow.

Have a great time you need a break.
The French aren't known for their ice cream though, what are you going to do?
Bare up and enjoy yourselves.
Grey, grey and more grey in Herts.
And as if that wasn't enough the temperature has dropped to the mid teens.
So I may have a tantrum.

Colin ???
Lovely day here in Glasgow, and more lovely days forecast for the next week :The_Sun_Face_Emoji::The_Sun_Face_Emoji::The_Sun_Face_Emoji:
Overcast, but looks dry for the day. I hope so I need to do a little sorting in the garden and a tip run too maybe health allowing.
Only about 13 degC this morning in Herts.
I'm delighted to report that it warmed considerably as the day progressed and right now we have a sinking sun.

Colin :):):)
Yet another warm sunny day in Costa Glasgow. :The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji:
It was a little gloomy this morning but things improved as the day progressed, culminating in glorious sunshine this afternoon.

I'm enjoying this thread so much that I'm wondering if I should retrain as a weather forecaster.

Colin :):):)
It's just like being on holiday, another day of :The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji: in sunny Glasgow.
It's been intermittent sunshine so far today in Herts.
Until I started fabricating the brackets for the solar panel when it dropped a few drops of water on my handiwork.
I'd forgotten that happens.

Colin ???

Sweating ma but off here 27 and humid as hell its like the Bahamas here. Who buys a car without air con was out in a new works van today without it nearly died
Well warm in Sarthe with thunderstorms promised for weekend, never mind :Smiling_Face_Emoji:
Edina;n35580 said:
Well warm in Sarthe with thunderstorms promised for weekend, never mind :Smiling_Face_Emoji:

It's probably time to cut your losses and head back to CTL, Chris.
You know it makes sense.

Colin ???
Well it started off with very little sun this morning but by half eleven it was red hot,I’m not complaining mind! The forecast is the same tomorrow
Jeanette;n35587 said:
Well it started off with very little sun this morning but by half eleven it was red hot,I’m not complaining mind! The forecast is the same tomorrow

Bill (2cv) brought some sun with him to Hereford earlier this year and very kindly unpacked it for us to enjoy there. If you could spare the time to post some down to Hertfordshire it would be appreciated, Jeanette.
I'm happy to pay p&p.

Colin ???
Still got the sun unpacked here in Glasgow, actually it's been shining since Hereford for me! We did have a very short very sharp shower yesterday though. :The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji:
For those with less agreeable weather at present, here's a recent Tes's inspiration
