Weather Report..................

We had torrential rain forecast for today.
Somehow it missed Hertfordshire completely and we had a warm, dry day.
My thoughts are with those who were not as fortunate and have suffered under a deluge.

Colin ???
We've had a thunder storm and heavy rain tonight, it's a bit flooded with water running down the road.
The forecast was a bit out it said it would hit a 2pm which would have been better because that's when I was cutting the grass. What a perfect excuse for a cuppa .
Warm and a little misty here this morning. Storms due from midday. Could be feeling the full effects when out in the 2cv later :Grinmacing_Face_Emo
we had a tiny amount of lightning last night. Keeley was working herself up all day because the forecast was for a 12-hour storm... we had one big rumble and a few small ones and the rest was just flashes in the distance. I think she was a little underwhelmed.
After a dry journey earlier just had a thunderstorm at Lauder, but looking at the Weather Channel radar looks like we missed the worst. First rain I've seen for weeks.
Hello all,

Wilding east of Leeds.
Hot and sticky , but cool breeze freshens everything up.
It's been quite a pleasant day in Hertfordshire. Mostly grey but dry and warm.
The weekend is looking even better.
So I'll encourage the Sun by starting my 'Let's Put A Gurt Great Solar Panel On The Moho' project.

Colin ???
2cv;n35407 said:
After a dry journey earlier just had a thunderstorm at Lauder, but looking at the Weather Channel radar looks like we missed the worst. First rain I've seen for weeks.

Hope not on Sunday.☀️☀️
Glorious warm sunny morning in Lauder, but rain and thunder forecast from noon. :The_Sun_Face_Emoji::Umbrella_Rain_Drops:voltage_emoji_icon_
We're 7 miles from the Headingly Test match.
Nuff said.
You don't want me to depress you all with a glumpic photo?
Grey first thing but it warmed a great deal as the morning progressed and by lunchtime the sun was in charge. It's very warm now and it's looking to be even warmer tomorrow.
I'm pleased that I started the 'Let's Fit A Gurt Great Solar Panel To The Moho' project. The weather couldn't have suited better.

Colin ???
Wonderfully warm in Hertfordshire.
So I've come over to Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.

Colin ???
Edina;n35455 said:
Hope tis the same in France, we'em off tomorrow.

Have a brilliant holiday, Chris.
I'll catch you up in July.

Colin ?☺?
Cloudy but warm and dry here in Lauder today, wish that it had been like this here yesterday.