Weather Report..................

We didn't get that promised teaspoonful of rain.
12 degrees in the shade on the south side.. 22 in the sun.
Round the north, 6 degrees.



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Tes;n13761 said:
Phil will be joining you Tuesday I believe.

And I'm very much looking forward to being with like-minded people, Tes.
Which kind of suggests that my mind may not be of the sound type.

Colin ???
oldish hippy;n13762 said:
glorious picture weather about same here

Thanks, Barrie. Weston really isn't that far away from Stonehenge so I guessed that you'd have similar weather.

Colin ???
Tes;n13764 said:
Looks like today is the end of the minus conditions for a little while at least.

That about sums it up, Tes.. In Westward Ho! right now it's warming rapidly and pouring with rain. Quite a change from this morning.

Colin ???
Pauljenny;n13781 said:
We didn't get that promised teaspoonful of rain.
12 degrees in the shade on the south side.. 22 in the sun.
Round the north, 6 degrees.

Perhaps Old Joao was right after all, Paul?

Colin ???
*****;n13784 said:
Just started snowing again and just about 1 deg

What! In Plymouth? Surely not, Graham.
It's warmer and raining in north Devon.

Colin ???
yorkslass;n13830 said:
Lovely view to start the day with.

It really was, yorkslass. That was the view from bed. A good-to-be-alive moment, to be sure.

Edina;n13837 said:
Clouded over and now tis raining - sorry Colin.

I'm sorry, Chris, but there's no way to say this in a kind, non accusative or gentle way.
It's all your fault.

I hope you make it to Appledore and if possible I'll try to drop by to introduce myself for a few minutes.

Colin ???
Full Member;n12755 said:
I'm driving down to Devon on Friday so will be passing along the A361. I always look forward to going over the Exe just north of Tiverton, Chris. I love the view of the weir and river there.
No doubt it'll be fuller than usual on Friday!

Colin :smile::smile::smile:

This is the view referred to above. I really look forward to it every trip to Devon.

WP_20171216_11_59_17_Pro (2).jpg

Colin ???

Full Member;n13881 said:
This is the view referred to above. I really look forward to it every trip to Devon.

Colin ???

Known locally as 'Salmon ponds'

Edina;n13885 said:
Known locally as 'Salmon ponds'

For the reason we all suspect, Chris?
In the past?

Colin ???
Full Member;n13901 said:
For the reason we all suspect, Chris?
In the past?

Colin ???

Yes Colin, salmon still run the Exe, but not so many now. I took my first many years ago at Dead Mans Pool, just downriver from Tiverton.
Edina;n13902 said:
Yes Colin, salmon still run the Exe, but not so many now. I took my first many years ago at Dead Mans Pool, just downriver from Tiverton.

Thanks for the info, Chris.
I've watched you fly-fishers place a fly precisely and have been captivated. Amazing skill.
Salmon have returned to the Thames. And when visiting my twin son in Aberdeen I was taken out to see the salmon leaping. That really is something.

Earlier this year I broke my journey in Tiverton. A really interesting and attractive place. I especially like the canal basin above the town.

Colin ???
Well it's frosty here tonight and cold, Colin the photos look lovely
It's better than snow but I must admit I like the snow,and whirlwind and tornado are asking when can we go and make snow angels Hmm when we have enough snow would be helpful!!! Lol ?
It's bitter here tonight a complete frost white out.
I gather all the snow has gone then Annie?