Weather Report..................

Pauljenny;n21706 said:
Morning all..

Still can't open the photos, Chris.

Maybe there's a built in censor, to remove objectionable photos. ?

Paul, I've reposted the pics in £1000 thread to see if people can see them now
Lee;n21704 said:
Sounds like cabin fever. You'll need to put your waterproof on and get out and have a coffee.
We are making our way to Seville getting there Sunday afternoon if your interested let me know.

I've actually been out and about on the bike, Lee, so no blues here.
I won't be going as far south as Seville so we won't be able to meet up this trip. Perhaps another time.
Have a great trip, take care and please pass on my best wishes to the lovely Linda.

Colin ???
Lovely clear night... Bit cold !

7 degrees.. Brrrrt !
Parked in Caceres lovely blue sky 2nd lovely morning since we set off.
Hopefully a sign of things to come.
Off to Seville today.
Overcast here and about 12°C.
There was a spot or two of rain overnight but other than that dry.
Which is thankfully very different to the continual, heavy rain which was forecast for last night and today.
That means that I'll probably be walking into Benicarló to savour the artichoke festival today.

Colin ???
Lee;n21597 said:
By smallish do you mean something the size of a commode or a bit bigger such as a water bowser, I'm just wondring what sort of water you're intending to transport.

Hope you're not taking the P155, Lee ?
Another bright, chilly morning. 6 degrees at 8. O'Clock... ( I'm told ).

The hunters are out in the hills , chasing wild boar.

Good day to go to the Gipsy market to buy cheese, presunto ham , meet friends IMG_20180128_093525.jpg and neighbours then off to the chicken piri piri tents .

:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops but difficult to avoid a "Mary Poppins" moment.
Clear blue skies here in South Wales-just hidden behind grey cloud a mile thick!
So, they forecast no rain tomorrow .

What's this then ?
Oh no it's not.
10 minutes later, we have a cloudless,cool night.
It's been very windy today but it seems to be easing off slightly.