Weather Report..................

We were very fortunate we managed to have lunch on the patio with friends.
I put up the gazebo this morning, it has seen better days, fortunately it stayed up but the wind got up and around 5pm it decided it was time to finish, as a few poles dropped out of there sockets.
We packed it away and about 15 to 20 minutes later it poured with rain.
What I want to know, how did that gazebo know?
It's wet, windy and about 12° here in Sussex, although the forecast is better for later.

The cumulonimbus are belting along, heading north, at about 1200ft.

What a difference 15 minutes makes!
In Littlehampton (West Sussex) there's been no rain and the sun is dominating the sky. It is, on the other hand, about 13°C and breezy. Unbroken sunshine is on the agenda for this afternoon.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
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Had a rain disturbed breakfast..
The weather forecast said it was raining..

The sky was clear . Sunny and warm.
Shorts and t-shirts ..

Had to come indoors, before we could finish..
Chilly 18 degrees.
Huh !