Weather Report..................

It's been a dry day here in Newquay.
So I was an apprentice to my son in his roofing business. We replaced a flat roof and if the weather holds we should be able to finish it tomorrow.
Always so much to learn and so little time to learn it.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
It's been a dry day here in Newquay.
So I was an apprentice to my son in his roofing business. We replaced a it'sflat roof and if the weather holds we should be able to finish it tomorrow.
Always so much to learn and so little time to learn it.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
When you've worked your time,
Ask Wully for a job.
We're bravely sitting outside, trying to ignore that it's nippy and breezy.
It's not easy.
Clear blue skies just to the west of Chris.
It's about 9°C with a high of 12°C this afternoon and no rain expected until this evening.
So the roof I mentioned has to be finished today.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
The Rain Gods plan to be busy off and on all day here in Cornwall with showers expected throughout the day.
Having said that, they're doing their best to make the sky attractive:


And the roof mentioned earlier is finished bar the new lead flashings so is watertight.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂