Weather Report..................

Ha ha ,ha ja ha !!
We have sunshine.
He said, humbly.

Management is loading the washing machine,.
We're all off to sunny Spain.
Eh viva Espania.
Last evening it absolutely poured with rain for perhaps 6 hours, giving me a taste of what living in Glasgow must be like.
This morning the rain has gone (presumably back to Glasgow) and it's grey with blue trying - but currently failing - to show itself.
It's predicted to be a lot warmer today than of late.
So I'll go for a bike ride.

Colin :):):)
Full Member;n29453 said:
Last evening it absolutely poured with rain for perhaps 6 hours, giving me a taste of what living in Glasgow must be like.
This morning the rain has gone (presumably back to Glasgow) and it's grey with blue trying - but currently failing - to show itself.
It's predicted to be a lot warmer today than of late.
So I'll go for a bike ride.

Colin :):):)

What’s glasgow ever done to you?
The Dordogne near Bordeaux... woke to 15' and lovely blue skies.


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The laird;n29454 said:
What’s glasgow ever done to you?

My regular weather reports from there often involve a little precipitation :Slightly_Smiling_Fa
I love it when my ladies go shopping. IMG_20180310_113103.jpg I feel no pain.
The laird;n29454 said:
What’s glasgow ever done to you?

Absolutely nothing, Gordon, I was obliquely referring to 2cv's posts where he jokes about it always raining in Glasgow.
Apologies if my post offended. It certainly wasn't intended to.

Colin :):):)
Full Member;n29466 said:
Absolutely nothing, Gordon, I was obliquely referring to 2cv's posts where he jokes about it always raining in Glasgow.
Apologies if my post offended. It certainly wasn't intended to.

Colin :):):)
no offence peter ,I thought you may have had an experiance to share ,don’t know how bill can say it’s always raining in Glasgow he is never in the place him and sue are always galavantin to other warmer climates .but us poshys in or from Edinburgh always get the sunshine ?
The laird;n29469 said:
no offence peter ,I thought you may have had an experiance to share ,don’t know how bill can say it’s always raining in Glasgow he is never in the place him and sue are always galavantin to other warmer climates .but us poshys in or from Edinburgh always get the sunshine ?

In Glasgow we remove most of the water from the atmosphere before it gets to the posh people in Edinburgh.
Good news for fellow pomegranate fanciers.
The tree looked like a collection of dead sticks on Wednesday.
Today, the first new shoots ate breaking out.
I'll keep you posted, don't worry.
Pauljenny;n29476 said:
Good news for fellow pomegranate fanciers.
The tree looked like a collection of dead sticks on Wednesday.
Today, the first new shoots ate breaking out.
I'll keep you posted, don't worry.

Phew, thanks Paul - I can sleep easy now.
Pauljenny;n29476 said:
Good news for fellow pomegranate fanciers.
The tree looked like a collection of dead sticks on Wednesday.
Today, the first new shoots ate breaking out.
I'll keep you posted, don't worry.

The trouble is you'll see the flowers then the small fruits then you'll trot of on you travels and someone will come along and pick them all, like they did last year.
Lee;n29499 said:
The trouble is you'll see the flowers then the small fruits then you'll trot of on you travels and someone will come along and pick them all, like they did last year.

Mmmm !

Where,exactly, were you two..... In mid- September,last Autumn? Can you provide an alibi?

The clever weather forecasting site said norain after 4pm until 7am today.
So Management had a full washer load ready to hang out as the sky cleared at 3.30.. Lovely warm, SW breeze.

At 8.30.. a thunderstorms,hailstones and a deluge.

An hour later clear sky .
At 6.30 this morning we were woken by another deluge , lasting 30 minutes..
Then we realised that the website uses Spanish time... 1hour ahead of ours.
It's Western European Time... W.E.T..

12 degrees,SW winds , forecast fair, until this evening.
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Sun was bursting the sky first thing but there’s been some fog for the last hour but it’s slowly lifting