Weather Report..................

Ooh err!
Something rather nasty is due to arrive overnight,via The Azores...

As if there wasn't enough chaos in the world..

Hang onto your hats if on western facing coasts..
dry till later when the rai once again comes. At least there was a days rest between the rain, it's given the rivers time to go down a bit, although, still burst in places.
Yet another dry and mild day up here. Fortunately a few showers on the horizon or a drought will have to be declared!
She's with us, Storm Giselia..

The local press and Tv was screaming about panic,, chaos and impending doom.
So far damp, warm and a bit breezy.

If the panic brigade are right I'll say my goodbyes.
It's been an interesting life.
I wish I'd maxed out my credit cards and not turned down the chance to be the first James Bond.

Joanna Lumley will have to give up all hope of another one night stand.

Adios Amigos
2cv;n29805 said:
Yet another dry and mild day up here. Fortunately a few showers on the horizon or a drought will have to be declared!

Thanks for that, Bill.
It gave me a huge grin!

Colin ???
Pauljenny;n29807 said:
She's with us, Storm Giselia..

The local press and Tv was screaming about panic,, chaos and impending doom.
So far damp, warm and a bit breezy.

If the panic brigade are right I'll say my goodbyes.
It's been an interesting life.
I wish I'd maxed out my credit cards and not turned down the chance to be the first James Bond.

Joanna Lumley will have to give up all hope of another one night stand.

Adios Amigos

It's been good knowing your on-line personna, Paul.
I really do hope that the doom mongers are wrong.
If they're correct...........

.............I wish you well in your on-line afterlife.

Colin ???
Lovely weather in Herts this morning with 14°C predicted later.
So I'll go for a bike ride.
Before Putin despatches his next unwanted gift to our green and pleasant land.

Colin ???
The last few posts are of imposing doom, I know this about the weather but lighten up you lot of will soon be spring then summer and then OH back to dreary old winter again.

Know see what you've done.
You're lucky, Lee.
Being tall enough to see over the clouds, you always survey the sunny uplands...Gusts of 45 mph at present.

Blowin a Hooley, here, forced us to take cover in Lois de Prego..Excellent venison.
We had a struggle to get Jenny's sister's hired Fiat 500 onto the car park.
No chance of getting any motorhome on.
Pauljenny;n29839 said:
You're lucky, Lee.
Being tall enough to see over the clouds, you always survey the sunny uplands...Gusts of 45 mph at present.

Blowin a Hooley, here, forced us to take cover in Lois de Prego..Excellent venison.
We had a struggle to get Jenny's sister's hired Fiat 500 onto the car park.
No chance of getting any motorhome on.

Perhaps we made the right decision to bail out of Portugal.
I don't think your neighbours will want us back next year to do the rain dance if this is the effect we have on the weather.
I hope you enjoyed the meal at the not so secret place.
Has the sister-in-law bailed out and gone home yet?
Well im glad to report it has piss istantly pored down all day her in glengormley,quite normal for time of year,in fact most of the year.
trevskoda;n29852 said:
Well im glad to report it has piss istantly pored down all day her in glengormley,quite normal for time of year,in fact most of the year.

Many thanks for removing so much moisture before it gets to us. Keep Up the good work I think that the threat of drought here has receded.
Lee;n29846 said:
Perhaps we made the right decision to bail out of Portugal.
I don't think your neighbours will want us back next year to do the rain dance if this is the effect we have on the weather.
I hope you enjoyed the meal at the not so secret place.

Has the sister-in-law bailed out and gone home yet?

I blame Rugbyken. He dragged all our sunshine away when he left us..

Sister outlaw leaves on Friday. Good riddance,.
a thoroughly bad influence.
Chauffeuring us around in the hire car, insisting on dining out, forcing us to cross to Spain and making us go for a paddle She's hard work to keep up with and I suspect she cheats at dominoes.
The neighbours love her for bringing the rain.
I suppose she'll be back next year.... Hopefully.
Even with today's sporadic squally showers, we haven't had 50 % of the normal winter rainfall yet.

We're ok ,personally, but the reservoirs still nee much more replenishment.
Pauljenny;n29856 said:
I blame Rugbyken. He dragged all our sunshine away when he left us..

Sister outlaw leaves on Friday. Good riddance,.
a thoroughly bad influence.
Chauffeuring us around in the hire car, insisting on dining out, forcing us to cross to Spain and making us go for a paddle She's hard work to keep up with and I suspect she cheats at dominoes.
The neighbours love her for bringing the rain.
I suppose she'll be back next year.... Hopefully.
Even with today's sporadic squally showers, we haven't had 50 % of the normal winter rainfall yet.

We're ok ,personally, but the reservoirs still nee much more replenishment.

I once told my granddaughter that if she was about to be in trouble always blame the person that's not here, so I would have to agree it is Ken's fault.
As far as the rain being needed to fill the dams, are they worried when your cisternas are low, no so why should you suffer not having sunshine?
Any way we are home and we are promised cold and possible snow for the weekend so I've got my own problems, you're on your own.
I hope the pommigrante tree survives.
Cheers Lee., Hope the big day goes smoothly.
Can you post pictures of Linda and you in your finery? Can Moss Bros supply dress shoes for you.. ? Or are you wearing your crocs?

The pomegranates are looking good and send their regards.
It's very wet in Herts now that Lee's back from the Iberian peninsula.
Why is he doing this? Our reservoirs are full.

A bike ride may not be a sensible option today - we'll see.

Colin ???
Winds changed to North westerly. Cleared away the damp grey mugginess.
Fresh,bright 17 degrees in the shade. .
Ideal weather for a bacon butty on the terrace..

The price we'll have to pay is an expected 2 degrees overnight.
:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Dropsand wind and 6 degrees today, with a bit of snow to come perhaps. Maybe Spring is not yet sprung here. :Very_sad_emoji_icon