Weather Report..................

The laird;n29535 said:
Sun was bursting the sky first thing but there’s been some fog for the last hour but it’s slowly lifting

Sorry, we can generally remove the rain before it gets to you but fog is more tricky.
We have a lot of giant fans scattered round the south west countryside. They tell people they are for making elecktrickery but we know they are really for blowing the fog and bad weather oop norf.
2cv;n29536 said:
Sorry, we can generally remove the rain before it gets to you but fog is more tricky.

Maybe you should fit a fog filter?

Coffee and Rum on the lower terrace at 11. Child Bride happy to bring laundry in at noon., after this squally shower, we're supposed to have a fair afternoon.
A healthy walk in the hills, after lunch.... Perhaps.
It was mixed white and blue up there this morning and about 9°C.
So I went for a bike ride.
During which the colour changed up there and it drizzled water on me.

Colin ???
It's been a lovely day here, very calm and dry throughout. Even took the van out to fill it up for the next adventure starting at Lanark in a couple of weeks. Then a walk by the canal.
Sunshine, no rain forecast until evening.

We're going to the beach, our visitor wants a paddle.
Sitting outside the bakery, watching the world go about it's business, while my ladies check out the chocolate cake.

Alas, it's too warm for brandy with my coffee.
It's very wet though mild (about 9degC) here in the south-east of the island this morning.
So a car service and MOT instead of a bike ride.

Colin :):):)
Another nice day here in Glasgow. A bit cloudy at times but not bad at all. Maybe Spring is sprung!
30C today according to one of those temperature displays in Benicàssim. In the sun out of the wind perhaps
No rain today, they forecast. Cloudy but a calm 18 degrees.

We're up in Sao Bras, en route to the famed Louis dos Frangos. Our guest insists upon taking us for lunch.
After nearly 49 years married, I know never to argue with a Sister in law.
I hear that Spring has not arrived yet and lots of cold wind forecast for the weekend, but for now it's another lovely day here. :Umbrella_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::Smiling_Emoji_with_
It was really rather nice weather this morning in Herts. Patchy blue and white and about 8degC with a light breeze.
So I went for a fairly long bike ride.

Colin :):):)
Lunch was excellent .

Sunbathing now, 28 degrees., gentle W breeze.

We were told that,even after 17 rainy days, we still have had only 40% of the average winter rainfall..
More is needed, to get them through The Summer.