My van has a 13 amp plug socket mounted above a 12 volt cigarette style power point. They often cannot be used at the same time as the flex from many 13 amp plugs interfere with the 12 volt access. Picked up a bit of info on the Hymer owners group Facebook page on how easily they can be turned 90 degrees, so did that.
I like to paint my tyres every few months with Forver Black tyre gel, so that got done as well. Good stuff, not the glossy silicone stuff that fades in a day or so. Forever Black is a dye with UV inhibitors which I put on with a paintbrush. It makes them black but matt, like when they were new. Helps prevent UV damage and cracks. Costs about £15 for a bottle of about 250 ml but will do my 16 inch wheels about 4 times.
Also thought I would go over the van with the autoglym tar remover, but haven’t washed the van yet so lots of the spots weren’t really tar. Combine that with the black spots that float about in my right eye (retinal tear a few years back) and the whole thing became a bit of a farce. Try again later in the week after I wash the van.