It was the Ducato. Renowed for failing. I can vouch for it being done correctly because I watched a Youtube videoWhat vehicle was the fuel filter on widebus? I ask because I had that on my 1999 Transit. I suspect that the fitter didn't know how to secure it properly to the last 'click'. It doesn't screw on like most filters, more of a bayonet type of fitting
If you want a cheaper, quicker and at least as efffective alternative, buy the 'Treat Your Own Back' book by Robin McKenzie, a NZ Physio who developed the exercises to help sheep farmers who might be hundreds of miles from a doctor. The key to rapid recovery and reduced pain, is to lie face down, palms uppermost as soon as it is safe to do so, to take the stress off the lower back. Then start with 10 'Press Ups' for 10 seconds each, if you can manage this. They're not true Press Ups, because you leave your hips in contact with the floor, to arch your back. Your legs should also off centre [think of a chicane from upper body through hips to lower leg] in the direction of the side that is injured. Repeat every 2 hours, and on alternate hours, lean your shoulder into a doorway with the bad side of the back closest to the doorframe at about 45 degrees. Push your hip as close to the doorframe as you can manage to help realign the damaged lower back disk, and to reduce the swelling on the sciatic nerve. After -4 days the sciatic pain should be reduced and retreating to the north [in the direction of your head]. Also, whenever the back stiffens up again, lean back [arched back, ]tilting your head back as far as possible, looking at the underside of the door frame with your arms extended to try to reach as high up the door as possible - 10 reps. Lastly, try not to sit in one position for any length of time, just keep moving, flexing and pushing the exercises to try to increase the reach compared with the previous effort. It's knackering, and sore, but brilliantly effective, especially if you know that, as soon as you experience that first twinge next time, lie on the floor and relax the lower back - pure bliss!Continued sorting new outdoor cooking area. Not convinced Admin would approve of the setup. But if pushed, I’ll cook him a burger.
Made the bed ready for Leicester, all this with a dodgy disk.
I’d sat awkwardly before leaving the New Forest, and twisted my back. After two days of pain, I wimped out and saw a Pysilopherapist . A load of pushing , shoving, manipulating ( I enjoyed that bit ) and £55 later, the pain was reduced to an ache.
So if I’m even more slow and ponderous at St Jimmies, than usual, take a little pity on me.
NZ sheep farmers don’t look as attractive as the pysio who manipulated me.If you want a cheaper, quicker and at least as efffective alternative, buy the 'Treat Your Own Back' book by Robin McKenzie, a NZ Physio who developed the exercises to help sheep farmers who might be hundreds of miles from a doctor. The key to rapid recovery and reduced pain, is to lie face down, palms uppermost as soon as it is safe to do so, to take the stress off the lower back. Then start with 10 'Press Ups' for 10 seconds each, if you can manage this. They're not true Press Ups, because you leave your hips in contact with the floor, to arch your back. Your legs should also off centre [think of a chicane from upper body through hips to lower leg] in the direction of the side that is injured. Repeat every 2 hours, and on alternate hours, lean your shoulder into a doorway with the bad side of the back closest to the doorframe at about 45 degrees. Push your hip as close to the doorframe as you can manage to help realign the damaged lower back disk, and to reduce the swelling on the sciatic nerve. After -4 days the sciatic pain should be reduced and retreating to the north [in the direction of your head]. Also, whenever the back stiffens up again, lean back [arched back, ]tilting your head back as far as possible, looking at the underside of the door frame with your arms extended to try to reach as high up the door as possible - 10 reps. Lastly, try not to sit in one position for any length of time, just keep moving, flexing and pushing the exercises to try to increase the reach compared with the previous effort. It's knackering, and sore, but brilliantly effective, especially if you know that, as soon as you experience that first twinge next time, lie on the floor and relax the lower back - pure bliss!
Looks very smart.Last week I had fixed glass window removed and a Camper glass Safari window fitted at Cosmic Campers Derby.
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Did you clean the area where the pad lug fits into the caliper? A wee rub with a file works.last couple of times out have noticed brakes grinding so tried to book in to my usual garage before we leave for spain at the end of the month no chance this month reply , tried a commercial garage i’ve used before nothing till after bank holiday , in desperation on friday tried tyre shop that also does brakes suspension etc went in van so they could see size come back monday they said , so rolled up appointed time after ten minutes got to jack it up on the ramps ? will block four bays take it to melton , chunter chunter , back home took wheel off to have a look( jeff gave lee instructions on the beach at monte gordo ) on changing pads so got brave stripped it down wheel stuck tight got it off eventually pads down to metal took them down to local motor factor result set in stock £42 inc vat ! even better i’d got 2 x £20 out fishing for change give us £40 he said all fitted now feeling very pleased with myself