Prostate Cancer

Lets hope they got it all Mike and you have a speedy, comfortable and full recovery.

Oddly I asked my Urologist on my last visit if this was possible and he said it wasn't which is worrying.

I had another visit yesterday and they are arranging a PET scan (need to borrow a dog/cat) to look closer at my lymph nodes which is worrying them a bit, And in the car driving home we realised he'd not mentioned the bone scan I had done a few weeks ago so I'm ringing them to find out what is going on as I saw the head man yesterday.
Do you want flowers or a donation Trev?
Does any member on here know of anyone who has had an operation for an 'enlarged Prostate' on the NHS? I do not mean anything Cancerous or otherwise damaged, just "enlarged".

It seems like if you can afford private healthcare it will be done as a routine procedure, as in the case of HRH Charles 3rd.
No, I think the NHS would not fund such an op because it only creates a massive inconvenience rather than anything life threatening. I could be wrong!!!
Lets hope they got it all Mike and you have a speedy, comfortable and full recovery.

Oddly I asked my Urologist on my last visit if this was possible and he said it wasn't which is worrying.

I had another visit yesterday and they are arranging a PET scan (need to borrow a dog/cat) to look closer at my lymph nodes which is worrying them a bit, And in the car driving home we realised he'd not mentioned the bone scan I had done a few weeks ago so I'm ringing them to find out what is going on as I saw the head man yesterday.
Yes the consultant said prostate cancer rarely spread to bones but also said they can't guarantee it doesn't. He said they believe they got all the cancer in and around the prostate and my lymph nodes were clear.hey ho we soldier on
Once it gets to the lymph nodes it can spread anywhere it seems.
I finally got the results of the bone scan yesterday and thankfully it was negative so still no really bad news.

PET scan is booked for next Tuesday so still a waiting game.

My nighttime walkies are getting better, most night now I'm only getting up once, then waking again after 6am again so I get up then, so the change to how the Alfuzosin is taken has made a big difference at last but it took a couple of months.
I finally got the results of the bone scan yesterday and thankfully it was negative so still no really bad news.

PET scan is booked for next Tuesday so still a waiting game.

My nighttime walkies are getting better, most night now I'm only getting up once, then waking again after 6am again so I get up then, so the change to how the Alfuzosin is taken has made a big difference at last but it took a couple of months.
Good news hopefully same for PET I don’t know about you but I found I couldn’t get back to sleep very quickly and getting up 4 or 5 times meant not much sleep was had. I’ve got a catheter in at the moment so go all night except the leg bag is not draining into the night bag so I’m still up 2 or 3 times to empty it. I’m trying new bags tonight so hopefully will be better.
Days 5 of radiotherapy which is ok .but holding a full blader fir 30 mins approx is near on impossible for me...
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Update, I've had 6 cancelled appointments this month.

The Pet scan was cancelled after I had the Cannula already in my arm, so fasted for nothing, it was rebooked for 11am yesterday, I was almost there after fasting since bedtime on Monday, cancelled and rebooked for 1:30 yesterday, I had got there again and it got cancelled as the injection hadn't passed it's test, so that is about 12 hours wasted and added much frustration.

I was booked in for a Colonoscopy on the 5th, they ring you a couple of days before to make sure you're okay to go ahead, have you been taking your laxative, err what laxative? no one has said anything about laxatives on some awful gloop the day before, so that got cancelled.

On the 12th I was booked in to have my ears syringed and that got cancelled too.

So my head is all over the place as I have to stop taking some meds.

I'm booked in to have the Colonoscopy again for this Friday & the Pet scan next Tuesday.

Watch this space.
Update, I've had 6 cancelled appointments this month.

The Pet scan was cancelled after I had the Cannula already in my arm, so fasted for nothing, it was rebooked for 11am yesterday, I was almost there after fasting since bedtime on Monday, cancelled and rebooked for 1:30 yesterday, I had got there again and it got cancelled as the injection hadn't passed it's test, so that is about 12 hours wasted and added much frustration.

I was booked in for a Colonoscopy on the 5th, they ring you a couple of days before to make sure you're okay to go ahead, have you been taking your laxative, err what laxative? no one has said anything about laxatives on some awful gloop the day before, so that got cancelled.

On the 12th I was booked in to have my ears syringed and that got cancelled too.

So my head is all over the place as I have to stop taking some meds.

I'm booked in to have the Colonoscopy again for this Friday & the Pet scan next Tuesday.

Watch this space.
That laxitive is sure powerfull, i was able to overtake elon musks rocket, use bungie staps over you sholders and round the loo or else. 😂
I was booked in for a Colonoscopy on the 5th, they ring you a couple of days before to make sure you're okay to go ahead, have you been taking your laxative, err what laxative? no one has said anything about laxatives on some awful gloop the day before, so that got cancelled.
Something very wrong there, Kev.

After a difficult year, and as part of her annual review and other tests, Mrs HS now has a colonoscopy booked for a few days time, she was automatically provided with her dietary info well in advance, a pack of gloop to prepare her for the procedure, and yesterday she received a phone call to discuss past history and ensure she was completely ready, so as not to waste anyone's time.

In the case you describe, everyone's time was wasted. If it was me I'd be asking questions to better understand what went wrong, and how they could correct their system to ensure no one else suffered in the same way.
Postman nicked the sacetes thinking it was white sniffing powder wink wink, thats why he has been of work for a few days. 😂
Something very wrong there, Kev.

After a difficult year, and as part of her annual review and other tests, Mrs HS now has a colonoscopy booked for a few days time, she was automatically provided with her dietary info well in advance, a pack of gloop to prepare her for the procedure, and yesterday she received a phone call to discuss past history and ensure she was completely ready, so as not to waste anyone's time.

In the case you describe, everyone's time was wasted. If it was me I'd be asking questions to better understand what went wrong, and how they could correct their system to ensure no one else suffered in the same way.
The nuclear injection is made by some outfit in Nottingham, it's time critical as it degrades quickly and it is the closest place so no option to go elsewhere, not sure how true that is as there is a place in Bradford that irradiates food, so the stuff is there maybe it's really difficult to manufacture but none of this is the NHSs fault, so although you can comment as I did, all they can do is apologise which they did as it pisses them off too. The Colonoscopy is just human error, and I'm less than perfect so what do you do.

Got to drink fifty gallons of the gloopy stuff today, which doesn't usually work as expected but does make me puke a lot, and of course, makes me pee a lot too.
Postman nicked the sacetes thinking it was white sniffing powder wink wink, thats why he has been of work for a few days. 😂
It has to be collected from the hospital here Trev so more wasted time.

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