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Smashing place but it can be mucky, especially when the dog won't wipe it's paws.:paw_emoji_icon_png:
WOOOOOOPWOOOOP 300 POST :b0234::b0202::b0202:
All mats are now washed and dried and back in the van ready for the next mud bath.
Morning all

Chilly start again, but a quick jog round the block should get the blood flowing.
yorkslass;n10781 said:
It might if you fall Chris.:Emoji_Snowflake_Dow

Yes and those old bones take some fixing best have a slow stroll or better still send Dawn should warm you up just watching lol
Hi All,
tines moving on now. 28/12/17 ferry beckons 4 3 months in the costas!!!! ???
This makes a change from sitting in Tesco carpark - sitting outside dentist while my financial advisor has a check up
Check up is better than writing a cheque out Chris.

Or even queuing at a check out!
Now now Rob nothing wrong with queuing at a checkout ooh don't like the dentist! I always used to say if you hurt me I'll hurt you!! He never did hurt if you know what I mean!! Haha :Surprised_Face_Emoj
Why don't women ever want to go in proper shops for things like fishing tackle, tools etc.?
Edina;n11003 said:
Why don't women ever want to go in proper shops for things like fishing tackle, tools etc.?

Hmmm right when you lot stop complaining! I used to
Carrerasax;n10801 said:
Hi All,
tines moving on now. 28/12/17 ferry beckons 4 3 months in the costas!!!! ???

43 months wow that's a long holiday :Smiling_Face_with_T:Smiling_Face_with_T
That would be full timing, one day!! Sorry knew I should have put for 3!!!!! ?? Lol
Anyone have any interesting/different/exciting plans for the weekend?
Looks like snow tomos so staying close to home.

Did think about going to the Angels weekend at York with my daughter and grandkids.
No nothing Bill is away at his modelling Xmas weekend meet so I am going to slob out on the couch today I may wrap a few Xmas pressies later tommorow I will do a bit more shopping and finish sorting the van out its all drained down but I need to really clean all the cupboards and surfaces as its going for a full engine service.
Campervanannie;n11178 said:
No nothing Bill is away at his modelling Xmas weekend meet so I am going to slob out on the couch today I may wrap a few Xmas pressies later tommorow I will do a bit more shopping and finish sorting the van out its all drained down but I need to really clean all the cupboards and surfaces as its going for a full engine service.
Do they use your work surfaces during a service ? Strange garage ?

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