Chat Room

I have bearly even started my Christmas shopping, I'm normally done by now. sooooo far behind.
The laird;n11449 said:
Do they use your work surfaces during a service ? Strange garage ?

Oi watchit Lairdy they may want to look inside so want it clean for them lol
Morning all,
Early doors trip into Exeter, hope the roads are Ok
Edina;n11812 said:
Morning all,
Early doors trip into Exeter, hope the roads are Ok

Another couple of hours before I have to go out. Hoping it's a bit better by then.
Waiting for whirlwind to come let's hope she's in a good mood after been with her grandma!! Malcolm's just came back in and he's said it was -6 bbbbrrrrr
Waiting to tip 24-000ltrs vodka but all pipes and valves are frozen solid looks like a long wait ahead
The laird;n11918 said:
Waiting to tip 24-000ltrs vodka but all pipes and valves are frozen solid looks like a long wait ahead

:Heart_Eyes_Emoji: Somebody get Me and Sue a couple of straws :Tears_of_Joy_Emoji::Tears_of_Joy_Emoji:
That would depend if the 24,000 litres of vodka is bottled or just a Hyde tanker full lol
That looks like me this morning, trying to multitask but not really getting anywhere.:Smirk_Face_Emoji:
Come on you lot £50 at stake here, I'm just waiting for post 999 :)
Err why don't keyboard smileys work, that's a bit Naff :( :(
long way to go yet consecutive posting i say patience pays dividends

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