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trixie88;n13252 said:
long way to go yet consecutive posting i say patience pays dividends

I'm patient, where's me dividends? I'll settle for buns.
Buns did someone mention buns!!! Aaarrrgghhh Have I missed out again??? :See_No_Evil_Monkey_
Don't worry Jeanette, I haven't had a sniff of a bun yet. Got some mince pies in the cupboard with my name on though.
Yep, I'm up for a vanilla slice, another of my favourites, I have lots of favourites.:biggrin:

I think Lidl stock hot X buns all year Trixie.
trixie88;n13304 said:
how about some nice vanilla slices...

saw hot cross buns in supermarket a few days ago..

What!! That'll be right trixie!! Ooh love Vanilla slices actually love most cake that's why I go swimming!! Haha
friday are no different to other days as get paid into bank theres money in bank account so no pay day as such and credit card get used tv programs are availble anyday of the week these days so no thinking it monday and it corrie east ender emmrdale etc
Jeanette;n13347 said:
What!! That'll be right trixie!! Ooh love Vanilla slices actually love most cake that's why I go swimming!! Haha

oh jeanette, cakes, do you have a sweet tooth......swimming is very good it swimming lengths you do, or just playing with g,daughter and swimming along with her..........she will be getting all excited ,,,how many more sleeps now?????lol
oldish hippy;n13274 said:
well it willget there and getfaster as it gets closer

dont know about that hippy, think the one on wc.....decided to fade into the shadows.......that one didnt get very far.....

oh here i go consecutive posting lol
trixie88;n13476 said:
oh jeanette, cakes, do you have a sweet tooth......swimming is very good it swimming lengths you do, or just playing with g,daughter and swimming along with her..........she will be getting all excited ,,,how many more sleeps now?????lol

I do about 20/25 lengths trixie maybe a few more if I go myself, and g/daughter is doing great, her mam,dad and grandma were amazed at how well she's coming on! She swims under water and then smiles her grandma panicked thinking she was in trouble as if I would let her do it if she was in trouble! She swims without any aids now,they are all getting excited trixie so is sons and daughter haha! I like a cake now and again trixie, how are you doing well I hope!
trixie88;n13600 said:
its like another milestone in life when they learn to swim.

It is trixie and she loves it when they are this young they have no fear well whirlwind hasn't anyway! Something her grandma doesn't like much I think she wanted a little girl that's all frills and goodness knows what,she's just not like that haha she looks it though!
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Anyone have any plans for the weekend?
We have a family meal tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that. I went shopping last night for Christmas, I feel so much better now I'm closer to done than started. I know some of you are off to the stones, and from Colin's picture in the weather thread this morning, he's already there. Phil will be along after his doctors appointment on Tuesday.
Finished wiring in an extra USB socket in the bus and my tiny hands are frozen; we're not used to temperatures as low as 6 degrees brrrrrrrrr
trixie88;n13252 said:
long way to go yet consecutive posting i say patience pays dividends

Oops, I meant to edit the first post, question still stands though.

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