Chat Room

Jeanette;n9033 said:
Terry what Annie is basically saying is she's p!ss@d or mortal off her face with the drink ? drunk as a skunk!! and to top it off she's on her iPad trying to post!!! :Margarita_Cocktail_:Red_Wine_Emoji::b0202:

I have had a sleepless night wondering where her ipad needs removing from:See_No_Evil_Monkey_
yorkslass;n9092 said:
It must have been a good night Annie. Feeling any better now?

A all is well I had a great cooked breakfast and just had Sunday lunch afternoon nap now on the cards, chat later.
Campervanannie;n9194 said:
A all is well I had a great cooked breakfast and just had Sunday lunch afternoon nap now on the cards, chat later.

Still piffed imho!
Not too badly all things considered :Bandage_Emoji:
yorkslass;n9261 said:
At least her words are making sense today, unlike last night.:biggrin:

Yeah she was all giggly gook,bet the roof was spinning when she lay down ,then the sweats aaagghhh!,,,,
The laird;n9278 said:
Yeah she was all giggly gook,bet the roof was spinning when she lay down ,then the sweats aaagghhh!,,,,

Omg not good that feeling Gordon!! :Flushed_Face_Emoji::Tongue_Out_Emoji_wi
The laird;n9278 said:
Yeah she was all giggly gook,bet the roof was spinning when she lay down ,then the sweats aaagghhh!,,,,

You got it Lairdy it’s that bit when you move your head and your brain sloshes about awful feeling and it’s only when friends tell you what you got up to and you realise you were much worse than you thought you were.
it when your leg go one way and the upper half of your body goes different way the pavment comes up an slapss you thats when it hurts
Morning all from Slapton beach,
Lovely evening with the moon peeping in and out of the clouds. Off somewhere else today, but haven't decided where yet, probably Cornwall.
Its been a lovely ish day in Somerset... bit overcast but not cold. i had my van's over-cab bed lined with silver insulation a few weeks back by the gorgeous andyjanet and today i had a local carpet man staple a pretty thin blue underlay onto the ceiling and walls to prevent sleeping damage to the insulation. "There's almost not enough room to get my head off the pillow" i said "never mind about causing damage"!!! it should be a lot warmer on my next winter trip. fingers crossed.....
Morning all,
Any volunteers to wash a mucky bus?
Just got back after a couple of nights away; first one at Slapton and last night at Trevone.
I’ve had two weeks of work. Feel like a school kid do wanna go back the misses is gona have to kick me out the door tomorrow kicking and screaming like a wee lassie or as Annie calls me a big woose.?
My MH is the same inside and out it was really wet and sloppy at the Navigation so much so that I put bath towels on the floor to take the brunt of the mess when in and out of it.

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