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We'em back home. There's a 'tummy bug' going round the village, so we didn't want to leave Mum for too long; still good to get away, even if only for one night.
Edina;n14345 said:
We'em back home. There's a 'tummy bug' going round the village, so we didn't want to leave Mum for too long; still good to get away, even if only for one night.

as the saying goes.......a change is good as a rest........hope you all stay clear from the dreaded lurgy
trixie88;n14349 said:
as the saying goes.......a change is good as a rest........hope you all stay clear from the dreaded lurgy

Thanks Trixie, seems it's a 2 day thing and lots have caught it.

Bus tidied and topped up ready for a quick getaway, when the chance appears. We like Cornwall this time of year cos there are fewer visitors and roads are quieter - the downside is most of the ice cream shops are closed and I have to rely on sticky buns instead.
Hi gang :b0231:

Not a happy bunny... turns out my ankle from the Bugsworth meet is indeed broken!
I've been hibernating with a rotten cold since I got home but the ankle didn't feel right, so I finally got myself out this morning and had an x-ray.
Thank goodness, they didn't put me in plaster but here's my new friend for the next few weeks...

Minisorella;n14654 said:
Hi gang :b0231:

Not a happy bunny... turns out my ankle from the Bugsworth meet is indeed broken!
I've been hibernating with a rotten cold since I got home but the ankle didn't feel right, so I finally got myself out this morning and had an x-ray.
Thank goodness, they didn't put me in plaster but here's my new friend for the next few weeks...

Aw Jennie that's rough, I presume you can't drive?
Edina;n14671 said:
Aw Jennie that's rough, I presume you can't drive?

Technically no - and definitely can't drive with the boot. However... the nurse took the boot off again so that I could drive home! I'm taking that as a nod to take little liberties now and then to get from A to B. I've managed this last couple of weeks or so and will be extra careful from now on but nothing's going to stop me getting to the New Year party!
Minisorella;n14675 said:
Technically no - and definitely can't drive with the boot. However... the nurse took the boot off again so that I could drive home! I'm taking that as a nod to take little liberties now and then to get from A to B. I've managed this last couple of weeks or so and will be extra careful from now on but nothing's going to stop me getting to the New Year party!

My grandson Harry who's 7, broke his ankle last night Jennie.

He asked the doctor if he will still be able to go trampolining on Friday!
Robmac;n14705 said:
My grandson Harry who's 7, broke his ankle last night Jennie.

He asked the doctor if he will still be able to go trampolining on Friday!

Aw bless him... I'm sure he'll bounce back soon enough, if you'll pardon the pun! Kids are so resilient. Bet it hurt at the time though, poor chap. I'm with Harry though... aside from being ill since I got home, I suspect one of the reasons I put off getting an x-ray was because I didn't want anyone telling me I had to stop doing things!
Sorry to hear that Jennie, now you have an excuse to leave the jobs you don't want to do.

Same thing happened to me a few years back. I knew I'd broken something in my foot, but cos I needed to get the van home, I rested it a couple of days, then fortified with paracetamol and ibuprofen, I planned a route back that didn't need much gear changing.

Take care sunshine.
Well done Sue... us gals can be single-minded, that's for sure :rolleyes: :biggrin: Oh and trust me, I don't need an excuse to be lazy! I'm getting bored now though... that's dangerous...

Mine's the accelerator and brake foot but it's a strange thing Sue, it hasn't hurt at all whenever I've driven, as long as it's been strapped or braced or crammed into a tight zip-up boot. I can even walk, ie bear the weight, just fine - albeit carefully and with my weight perfectly centred over the foot. It's the side to side and swivel movements that are still excrutiating, so I figured there could be something more wrong than a sprain. Turns out the main ankle bone is broken right along the bottom outside edge. I've been proper poorly (got anti-Bs now), so resting a lot since I got home with the ankle strapped or braced - inadvertently doing the right thing. Truth is, I just couldn't stir myself to go out and get it checked. The swelling and bruising have pretty much gone apart from around the actual damage site. For a while there, it looked as though I was wearing a full black and blue sock to halfway up my leg - most attractive!

Anyway, enough pandering to my minor injuries... how's the lovely David?
I have the blinkin lurgy,been spitten up green bogies all fecken night and day and asthma is going mad,think im drowning,all this with a bad back,better than being dead mind.:Grinmacing_Face_Emo
trevskoda;n14795 said:
I have the blinkin lurgy,been spitten up green bogies all fecken night and day and asthma is going mad,think im drowning,all this with a bad back,better than being dead mind.:Grinmacing_Face_Emo

Same here... coughing, asthma, feeling like I'm drowning and a bad back! I raise you a broken ankle lol! :b0230:
Seriously, get well soon Trev... those young'uns of yours will want you to don the Santa outfit I'm sure :b0234:
Minisorella;n14809 said:
Same here... coughing, asthma, feeling like I'm drowning and a bad back! I raise you a broken ankle lol! :b0230:
Seriously, get well soon Trev... those young'uns of yours will want you to don the Santa outfit I'm sure :b0234:

:Speak_No_Evil_Monke Here you lot keep the lurgy to yourselves!! Aww I'm sorry to hear about your ankle Jennie and Sue how's David keeping well I hope! That'll not be a good look Jennie if trev's not well poor Santa ? Aww sorry to hear about your grandson Rob,hopefully he'll be fine before you know it!!
It wasn't so much single minded, as, how the hell do I get the van back if they put a pot on it. What happens if I have an accident while driving with a pot on.David can't take over cos he put two batteries behind the drivers seat, so the seat won't go back far enough for him to drive. I never bothered getting it X rated, I figured I'd left it too long. I've suffered since though, it starts to ache if I try to walk too quickly.

David's not doing too badly. Tiredness is the biggest problem plus lack of appetite because he's not doing much. We need some better weather to get out and about. Roll on Thursday and the solstice.

I'm with you Jeanette, I don't need the lurgy, though, if you've got it, I wish you well.

yorkslass;n14829 said:
It wasn't so much single minded, as, how the hell do I get the van back if they put a pot on it. What happens if I have an accident while driving with a pot on.David can't take over cos he put two batteries behind the drivers seat, so the seat won't go back far enough for him to drive. I never bothered getting it X rated, I figured I'd left it too long. I've suffered since though, it starts to ache if I try to walk too quickly.

David's not doing too badly. Tiredness is the biggest problem plus lack of appetite because he's not doing much. We need some better weather to get out and about. Roll on Thursday and the solstice.

I'm with you Jeanette, I don't need the lurgy, though, if you've got it, I wish you well.

No I haven't got it fingers crossed I don't get it because if I get it Malcolm will probably get and that's not good as he has emphysema so he gets it bad! Are you off in the van for the solstice Sue? As you say we need better weather to get out and about, just makes you feel better!
Minisorella;n14654 said:
Hi gang :b0231:

Not a happy bunny... turns out my ankle from the Bugsworth meet is indeed broken!
I've been hibernating with a rotten cold since I got home but the ankle didn't feel right, so I finally got myself out this morning and had an x-ray.
Thank goodness, they didn't put me in plaster but here's my new friend for the next few weeks...



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