Chat Room

Jeanette;n15921 said:
Sorry to hear about your trip not happening Chris hopefully you'll get away soon,hope everyone is well

Bushwhacked after a day with the grandkids. How can they keep going for so long?
yorkslass;n15924 said:
Bushwhacked after a day with the grandkids. How can they keep going for so long?

I wish I knew Sue we've had three today whirlwind and tornado isn't too bad but the youngest one she's aptly named not that she wreaks the place she just keeps on going and mention food it's a race to the table for her!!! Haha but love it, especially now as MIL passed away on the 23rd still grandkids keep you young so they say!! Lol ?
Morning all,

Happy boxing day.

Still got a mountain of ham and turkey to get through, so best get started
A whole day of these two and they love playing party games 2 hours of charades so glad when it was home time lol.

Afternoon all and hope your having a good day and not over eating!!
Edina;n16039 said:
Oops, sorry Jeanette - guilty

Aww I forgive you Chris 'tis the season of good will and it's expected of you!!! Hope you've had a good one
Jeanette;n16101 said:
Aww I forgive you Chris 'tis the season of good will and it's expected of you!!! Hope you've had a good one

Yes brill thanks Jeanette, and you?
Edina;n16114 said:
Yes brill thanks Jeanette, and you?

Well MIL passed away on Saturday Chris but they were expecting it but we hade a good Christmas (had to check to see what thread I was on)!! Wouldn't want to get wrong off hippy!! Noisy with all the g/daughters when are you off out in the van again Chris? How's your mum?
Jeanette;n16171 said:
Well MIL passed away on Saturday Chris but they were expecting it but we hade a good Christmas (had to check to see what thread I was on)!! Wouldn't want to get wrong off hippy!! Noisy with all the g/daughters when are you off out in the van again Chris? How's your mum?

Sorry to hear about your MIL. Mum's fine thanks, really enjoys xmas with the kids visiting.
Got nothing planned in the bus until the Norfolk meet, but we nip off for a few days when we can and will probably try fishing the Dorset beaches now there are reports of cod being caught.
Jeanette;n16171 said:
Well MIL passed away on Saturday Chris but they were expecting it but we hade a good Christmas (had to check to see what thread I was on)!! Wouldn't want to get wrong off hippy!! Noisy with all the g/daughters when are you off out in the van again Chris? How's your mum?

Sorry to hear about your MIL Jeanette, it's never a good time but it sounds like she had her problems health-wise. The kids enthusiasm helps to keep you going and wears you out in equal measure.
Back to shops today to get all the rubbish rags changed to proper size rags,same every fecken year,more s--t we dont need.
Exeter was busy yesterday, lots of people carrying bags full of stuff so either still buying or returning.
Just need to get back to Toys"R"Us to spend the £20 Lego voucher we have before they finally go tits up :Thinking_Face_Emoji

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