Chat Room

Afternoon home now and taken over the couch for the next hour.
Only 23 weeks and it starts getting dark again :Grinmacing_Face_Emo:White_Thumbs_Down_S
I'm singing in the rai... oh wait that stopped, I'm shivering in the cold, just shivering in the cold.
Morning peeps, hoping to get under the van today to sort my blocked waste tank, not going to be fun.
Ah, I think it might be raining, nae ganna dae that.
Well it was a nice sunny day here ,had a post birthday dinner in galgorm castle ballymena,full as a :pig_Emoji: now.
Hospital day today having the second half of my joint juice as they refused to do it last week due to my bad cold (man flu) but fingers crossed they will do it today as I am feeling much better.

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