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Edina;n18896 said:
Good luck with the top-up Annie.

Cheers mi dear yes I’m hooked up and on with it now 5 hrsbill be back home.
551CA05B-0EF2-4DB8-81EE-ECDA505C3FDE.jpeg ouch!!
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You wanna get that looked at :D :D
Annie can you get a DIY one of those for the next vodka day, just think how much you can save on coke.

I hope it all goes well.
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Intravenous Latte would suit me, in me arm, not me harris though :D:D
Lee;n18927 said:
Annie can you get a DIY one of those for the next vodka day, just think how much you can save on coke.

I hope it all goes well.

Lee I looked into it but the needle phobia got in the way lol
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Campervanannie;n18941 said:
Lee I looked into it but the needle phobia got in the way lol

Shame but I do understand, with the amount of needles you have in a year, you don't need any more.
Oh well you will just have to carry on with taking the vodka orally, may I prescribe a bottle once every other day, when required.
Campervanannie;n18874 said:
Hospital day today having the second half of my joint juice as they refused to do it last week due to my bad cold (man flu) but fingers crossed they will do it today as I am feeling much better.

Something on the news last night about pain infusion. Don't know if its the same treatment that your having, but it sounded very similar. The crowd that take decisions in Hull have stopped it because they say that there's no evidence that it works any better than other meds. One poor bloke they interviewed was in tears. It's easy to be dismissive when your not the one needing it.
yorkslass;n19023 said:
Something on the news last night about pain infusion. Don't know if its the same treatment that your having, but it sounded very similar. The crowd that take decisions in Hull have stopped it because they say that there's no evidence that it works any better than other meds. One poor bloke they interviewed was in tears. It's easy to be dismissive when your not the one needing it.

No that’s completely different to what I am on good job though lol but thanks for thinking of me
What goal posts? is it them white things? noooo wasn't me :Smiling_Face_with_H
*smiles sweetly and walks away*
Head of catering is baking for tomorrows charity stall at the village mini market. I just pointed out that one of the sausage rolls was mis-shaped so she told me to eat it - guess how many more I've spotted ;)
Edina;n20187 said:
Head of catering is baking for tomorrows charity stall at the village mini market. I just pointed out that one of the sausage rolls was mis-shaped so she told me to eat it - guess how many more I've spotted ;)

Too many and you'll start to look like the filling Chris, porky.:pig_Emoji:
Evening all Chris any more mis-shaped sausage rolls?
More sunshine tomorrow in la Manga not clouds like today we hope and are promised!!!
still Cartagena was an interesting classical place!!!!
All the goodies are wrapped and ready for tomorrow, so no more for me :(. On the bright side there's a lady at the market tomorrow who makes scrummy apple cake :)
Edina;n20249 said:
All the goodies are wrapped and ready for tomorrow, so no more for me :(. On the bright side there's a lady at the market tomorrow who makes scrummy apple cake :)

I do like anything with apple in. One of the best I came across was apple pie with cheese in it. I got the recipe from the people's friend magazine years ago, but I lost it. It sounds odd but it was absolutely delicious.

You'll need some of that cake Chris, to keep your energy levels up, no doubt an early start.

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