Prostate Cancer

Should know about the third week in July hopefully.

Hoping for either.

Chronic prostatitis.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia .

After all these years it has just started to get worse. As you say time will tell..
It's the headaches I don't like, I never get them normally, and the crap reversing too of course.
BP is another issue but I seem okay with that, and of course cardiac too but I seem to be ok so time will tell on that too.
So is sleepless nights .

Gets one thinking about the hospital appointments and then you start to think is this really necessary
And the more you think about the more it seems no.. consultants aren’t stupid with all the facts in front of them they have a good idea on what you might have .
In my case he’s not sure . So life goes on and I have other things I want to do rather than have an appointment. Made for me say at 2 pm at a hospital not in my area and then told arrive at least an hour before .. Why .. no one knows .

You can guess the rest.
So is sleepless nights .

Gets one thinking about the hospital appointments and then you start to think is this really necessary
And the more you think about the more it seems no.. consultants aren’t stupid with all the facts in front of them they have a good idea on what you might have .
In my case he’s not sure . So life goes on and I have other things I want to do rather than have an appointment. Made for me say at 2 pm at a hospital not in my area and then told arrive at least an hour before .. Why .. no one knows .

You can guess the rest.
Just go and get it done is my advice.
So is sleepless nights .

Gets one thinking about the hospital appointments and then you start to think is this really necessary
And the more you think about the more it seems no.. consultants aren’t stupid with all the facts in front of them they have a good idea on what you might have .
In my case he’s not sure . So life goes on and I have other things I want to do rather than have an appointment. Made for me say at 2 pm at a hospital not in my area and then told arrive at least an hour before .. Why .. no one knows .

You can guess the rest.
As others have said, get it done and sorted. Living in the dark is way more difficult than knowing. As you have already said, it has been going on for many years, so is likely to be BPH, but you need to know. Reading this thread and personal experience with family and friends, I consider myself very lucky. I have BPH, but as I said somewhere else on this thread, my brother has stage 4 Prostate Cancer. Friends who I have known for many years are suffering and some have gone.

No matter why they want to do something, follow their lead and submit yourself. of course question, but rely on them having your best interests at heart. Best of luck to you. (y)
After a lengthy conversation with the consultant between us we have decided to let nature take its course.
It seems there are many options now and I will be contacted very soon with yet more decisions to make.

So onwards and upwards now. All sorts to sort ready for a week away in the Moho.
Everything has been completed so I don’t think there is anything that still needs to be done to update the old Moho.
Hope the weather stays nice but most likely not.😂