Prostate Cancer

Hope all goes well for you.
I've had it for about five years or so now and wondered if there was an existing threads a on here but couldn't find one.

I'm sure I am far from alone with all the elderly folk on here, and most will get a check up, but some younger farts can get it too.

Most men die with it but not from it so it is worth asking your doc for a PSA test, or for him to put the gloves on for a physical test, (if his hands are one your shoulders or hips, he's doing it wrong) Mine is low grade and I need no meds for the cancer but it does affect my bladder so I have meds for that, they seem to work most of the time but I need to have a day off every now and then, today is one of those days, not fun at all, you go but you can't so wait 5 minutes then suddenly you can.
I had BPH not cancer but it is a real bastard with the urgency and inability to actually empty the bladder especially a night several times, it got really bad during lock down. I ended up paying from my savings for an operation, the NHS refused point plank to allow me to se my GP let alone go to my old dept of Urology at the local centre as it was closed right down. I went private at Winchester and it was not cheap for a quick procedure of steam ablation. There is still a problem at night with the need to get up many times.
Which Hormone injection are you on 1 or 3 month?

I'm coming off three month too much chesty stuff and my breathing not good either so back to pain for three days after each monthly jab, BUT there is a tablet going through NICE right now so hopefully the cost savings but not having to have staff doing the jab it might get approved.
Which Hormone injection are you on 1 or 3 month?

I'm coming off three month too much chesty stuff and my breathing not good either so back to pain for three days after each monthly jab, BUT there is a tablet going through NICE right now so hopefully the cost savings but not having to have staff doing the jab it might get approved.
3 monthly I've been ok on it for last 3 jabs.
This one really knocked me off my feet.
Chest twinges and my neck and throat..
But as test all OK..and feeling OK now..
Yes, the chest twinges are a bit scary, I got up to go to the loo last week and got two sharp pains then nothing until today and I'm feeling quite short of breath, have a terrible headache and like a deep throbbing in my chest.
Well just had results of biopsy, and it's the big C, Gleason score 3/4 so a 7 which is classed as intermediate, 60 years
Normal PSA no symptoms only went to get checked because my dad had it at 75 and seen all the stuff on telly, have to have an urgent bone scan to rule out it's gone to bones and if that's ok qualify for treatment if not it looks like I'm goosed !! either radiotherapy & hormone or prostectomy, new to this guys what do you think is the best option in your opinion?
Bone scan is okay apart from having to sit in a room for 90 on your own, I hope you have wifi or a decent signal I had zilch, I played spider solitaire til my head hurt.

Just been for my monthly jab, I had to make sure the nurse new what she was doing as I don't trust them after last time I had it done.

Gave blood for the LPSA check too.
Well just had results of biopsy, and it's the big C, Gleason score 3/4 so a 7 which is classed as intermediate, 60 years
Normal PSA no symptoms only went to get checked because my dad had it at 75 and seen all the stuff on telly, have to have an urgent bone scan to rule out it's gone to bones and if that's ok qualify for treatment if not it looks like I'm goosed !! either radiotherapy & hormone or prostectomy, new to this guys what do you think is the best option in your opinion?
The decision is yours and yours only…
Well just had results of biopsy, and it's the big C, Gleason score 3/4 so a 7 which is classed as intermediate, 60 years
Normal PSA no symptoms only went to get checked because my dad had it at 75 and seen all the stuff on telly, have to have an urgent bone scan to rule out it's gone to bones and if that's ok qualify for treatment if not it looks like I'm goosed !! either radiotherapy & hormone or prostectomy, new to this guys what do you think is the best option in your opinion?
Research and gather as much information before you have to make that decision. Whichever route is necessary or chosen, I wish you well.
Well just had results of biopsy, and it's the big C, Gleason score 3/4 so a 7 which is classed as intermediate, 60 years
Normal PSA no symptoms only went to get checked because my dad had it at 75 and seen all the stuff on telly, have to have an urgent bone scan to rule out it's gone to bones and if that's ok qualify for treatment if not it looks like I'm goosed !! either radiotherapy & hormone or prostectomy, new to this guys what do you think is the best option in your opinion?
If they start you on hormone therapy. Prostectomy is off the cards.
So surgery is no longer an option..for me.
as I wanted a Prostectomy and lymph node removed .but they started me on hormone therapy same day as biopsy. If only I had understood at that time.
PSA result 1.57 apparently which is normal. So following physical check ok as well , no action required they say😀😀
Only my second ever test, previous one about 12 years ago so at age 67 I’ll probably have one every couple of years , just to keep an eye on things
PSA result 1.57 apparently which is normal. So following physical check ok as well , no action required they say😀😀
Only my second ever test, previous one about 12 years ago so at age 67 I’ll probably have one every couple of years , just to keep an eye on things
Good for you .As you say needs to be checked regularly .
My care has become a bloody nightmare.

The last jab was degarelix at the hospital on July 18th, care was switched to the GP for the future app made for August 19th not happy about that as it's supposed to be 28 days apart, but the pratts will not book an app for longer than 14 days, I mentioned this this morning at my yearly diabetic review, and they have me down for a three monthly prospak or something which is entirely wrong.
Leeds Urology rang me after I complained that no one seemed to know what was going on, two health authorities not talking to each other and denying that they hadn't got letters etc.

So I'm still waiting to hear for sure but it seems that they may just give me the degarelix on script to self administer (Liz really) and I'm on the list for the new pill which NICE OK'd 19th of July, it seems the trust has to be licenced to actually prescribe it, so still a bit up in the air, but I'm waiting for another call from Urology to firm things up or new info.

Right now I go in for the scan and tattoo on the 17th of October, then start the Radiotherapy on the 7th of November until the 4th of December
Well just had results of biopsy, and it's the big C, Gleason score 3/4 so a 7 which is classed as intermediate, 60 years
Normal PSA no symptoms only went to get checked because my dad had it at 75 and seen all the stuff on telly, have to have an urgent bone scan to rule out it's gone to bones and if that's ok qualify for treatment if not it looks like I'm goosed !! either radiotherapy & hormone or prostectomy, new to this guys what do you think is the best option in your opinion?
Got results of bone scan thankfully all ok, but now have to have urgent ultrasound of pelvic organs as I have a bit of pain in that area, jeez this cancer thing ain't half a rollercoaster ride.
Well that's real bonus for you, fingers crossed for the Ultrasound.
I'm not expecting any surprises the scan is just to locate the lymph node hotspot, they tattoo it so the radiation is targetted there, the distance from home is the pain really, half a day wasted, fortunately I'm booked so far ahead I can pick my appointment time.

What a day.

Degarelix jab booked for 10:10 this morning at the docs, get there 10:00 eventually get called in, talking to the nurse, she's never done one of these before just normal jabs, so alarm bells going off in my head after finding out the pain they can inflict if done wrongly.

I happen to ask if they actually have the right jab as there was a LOT of confusion between the two health trusts (Leeds & Bradford) so she goes to get it only it isn't there, it's been delivered elsewhere so we volunteer to go get it, she tells them we're coming, only a mile away, they have no idea who I am, they have no idea why I'm there, They have no idea if it has been delivered there or not, I sit very impatiently for 30 minutes, I go tell them to sort it out PLEASE and ring me.

No call yet :rolleyes: :rolleyes: