What did you do to your van today?

After days/weeks of prevarication, swithering and general indecision, we just made a decision and rebooked the Newhaven to Dieppe Ferry for Sunday 6th March at 23:30, giving plenty of time to get admin organised [emailed our French Bank with a query on the Debit Cards, if no reply today, the Branch is closed on Monday, so Tuesday will be the earliest etc]. The new crossing is cheaper, so we have taken a cabin and used all of our Credit Note except for 40p so not too great a loss for Mr Titus A Duxass

Took the 'van out and filled up with £75's worth of derv @ £1.47.9 a cupful and have now started putting all our junk back in now that all the work has been done. I just need to pluck up the courage to wash the damn thing
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Took her out for a drive to do laundry, get shopping at the market, and collect drinking water. Promised her a wash but that will be next week...quite a few black streaks needing attention!
Nothing yet; still in the planning phase [i.e. drinking coffee and contemplating my navel], but should be a day of relaxed intensity, beginning the 'now, have I packed X, and I'm sure I packed Y, but blessed if I can remember where I put it', so much running from flat to Van with odds 'n' ends, in the knowledge that it's still a wee bit too early to do the final loading

Then start the detailed route planning for stopovers etc

Bottom line is, as long as we have Van Keys x 2, passports, COVID Certs, Tickets, Wallets and Chequebooks/Credit Cards, any forgotten items can be bought en route, subject only to the stock availability issues. Anyway, playing 'You know what we forgot?' passes the journey time. The forgotten items can be identified by the presence of 3 or 4 of them from previous omissions and consequent 'put it in the Van, so that we don't forget it next time ...', ignoring the 'Have you seen item X? Nor me, we'll pick one up from the Chinese Shop ...' exchange ... :oops: (y)

Nothing yet; still in the planning phase [i.e. drinking coffee and contemplating my navel], but should be a day of relaxed intensity, beginning the 'now, have I packed X, and I'm sure I packed Y, but blessed if I can remember where I put it', so much running from flat to Van with odds 'n' ends, in the knowledge that it's still a wee bit too early to do the final loading

Then start the detailed route planning for stopovers etc

Bottom line is, as long as we have Van Keys x 2, passports, COVID Certs, Tickets, Wallets and Chequebooks/Credit Cards, any forgotten items can be bought en route, subject only to the stock availability issues. Anyway, playing 'You know what we forgot?' passes the journey time. The forgotten items can be identified by the presence of 3 or 4 of them from previous omissions and consequent 'put it in the Van, so that we don't forget it next time ...', ignoring the 'Have you seen item X? Nor me, we'll pick one up from the Chinese Shop ...' exchange ... :oops: (y)

Mind your sworn declaration from direct gov link to the french gov site
Mind your sworn declaration from direct gov link to the french gov site
Thanks, Gordon. It's in the Document Folder [the same Folder we left on the Dining Room Table at our French hovel in 2020 and didn't remember until we reached Bordeaux ... 352 miles round trip later for a 5 minute visit, incl unlock/lock and removing the pressure from my bladder ...]. Declaration is also on my and Elaine's phones [usual belt, braces and sock suspenders approach]

Just having a late lunch whilst typing this. Already experienced the 'Sure I packed X, where did I put it?' question, which is why I hate packing too far in advance, because my OCD starts the fretting and then I unpack and repack to find the thing I didn't remember packing in the first instance; and that's when I leave Folders on Tables ... :D

I do have a List; about 25 degrees to starboard after my 2nd hip replacement left me with a shorter right leg ...

Managed to wash the whole van ,cleaned solar ,filled water
enough for today after my visitors
nearly all done for our departure
EXCEPT I will have to get new number plates tomorrow as mine will be illegal on our return to the U.K. as 3D will be outlawed as a n p r systems cannot pick them up £5k fine when it goes live😩
Getting serious now; applied the Ecosse & UK nationality plates, plus the Crit Air sticker and began transferring bits of hardware to Brunhilde. Keys to the hovel in France, Spare Bulbs consolidated from about 5 open boxes acquired over the years, plus odd bulbs and fuses in card packaging, to make the stock more manageable. LPG Valves for France and Spain moved to the Water Tank cupboard for easy access etc. Much more to do, but it feels positive ...

Then downloaded new Maps from Garmin, paid subscription to Search for Sites and transferred POIs to the SatNav. Mapped out a rough route in 3 sections with likely sites for each [Scotland to Ferry; Drive through France; Drive into Spain incl. 'Holiday Proper']. The actual route and the stops will look nothing like the draft, but it should stop us from meandering aimlessly ...

Per Ardua ad Astra as Vauxhall Owners tend to say :rolleyes:
