What did you do to your van today?

after our experience in april at dieppe we arrived early good job we did paperwork quick & easy but the Douane were immediately next to the barrier so everyone has to wait for the vehicle in front to clear , they were really thorough not looking for contraband but never been searched this well before they made me empty a 10 litre jerrycan i got about 5 litres in mine then had to go asking if anyone wanted the rest how easy is it to give away free diesel , hard ! on the personal search i have a small gardening penknife with a hooked blade not allowed on my person but passed inside the van to jan OK ? after we loaded they were waiting again on the top deck to search bags think they are being proactive for some reason ,
after our experience in april at dieppe we arrived early good job we did paperwork quick & easy but the Douane were immediately next to the barrier so everyone has to wait for the vehicle in front to clear , they were really thorough not looking for contraband but never been searched this well before they made me empty a 10 litre jerrycan i got about 5 litres in mine then had to go asking if anyone wanted the rest how easy is it to give away free diesel , hard ! on the personal search i have a small gardening penknife with a hooked blade not allowed on my person but passed inside the van to jan OK ? after we loaded they were waiting again on the top deck to search bags think they are being proactive for some reason ,
We were given a thorough search coming back in July at the Tunnel, One inside the van another in the garage, I was expecting some questions about the two 20 ltr beer kegs and co2 setup but nothing mentioned. 🤷‍♂️
after our experience in april at dieppe we arrived early good job we did paperwork quick & easy but the Douane were immediately next to the barrier so everyone has to wait for the vehicle in front to clear , they were really thorough not looking for contraband but never been searched this well before they made me empty a 10 litre jerrycan i got about 5 litres in mine then had to go asking if anyone wanted the rest how easy is it to give away free diesel , hard ! on the personal search i have a small gardening penknife with a hooked blade not allowed on my person but passed inside the van to jan OK ? after we loaded they were waiting again on the top deck to search bags think they are being proactive for some reason ,
We had the bag seach at Dieppe on 13th September at Reception on Deck 6 after the vehicle search prior to borading, so seems to be a new 'thoroughness' about the checking ...

If I am going away on a world cruise I jack mine up and remove the wheels.

Getting back to reality I had better get back inside / underneath it and continue with the long list of jobs-that-need-doing-otherwise-no-one-would-want-to-nick-it.
When laying ours up for the winter that’s if we’re not using it .
Then it will be lifted with the new legs we had fitted this year
As for removing wheels were in a gold storage site.
Safe and never given it a thought while in storage