What made you smile today.

Hope you are feeling better today Annie, van can be mended it’s just an annoyance for a short time :)
I had nothing to smile about today firstly I was extremely ill yesterday so much so I sh!t in my toilet instead of in a bag for the first time in years, secondly still feeling ill and not a 100% I ripped my side bumper and a bit of my rear bumper and finally I have some a poorly leg looks like a bite or a allergic reaction, so no I have begged all to smile about today but my name is Annie and I believe the sun will come out tomorrow. ??????

Hi Annie. I'm really sorry that you're having a rubbish time at the moment.
Charlie posted on another well-known site that I'd used a company on Canvey Island to make me a new sink and a new rear bumper. He's quite correct. This is a link to my original post:


I hope that things improve for you real soon - and contact me if you need further information.

Colin :):):)
I don’t have problems with chores any more Trixie I just don’t do them, unless they are van related
im with you on that one nabism.....although i have an excuse........i can no longer do things myself......so when i do get something sorted im highly delighted....lol........problem is having a list....top one gets crossed off and another couple are added to the bottom........lol take care
Hi Annie. I'm really sorry that you're having a rubbish time at the moment.
Charlie posted on another well-known site that I'd used a company on Canvey Island to make me a new sink and a new rear bumper. He's quite correct. This is a link to my original post:


I hope that things improve for you real soon - and contact me if you need further information.

Colin :):):)
While we are in Folkstone next weekend I may ring and see if I can call round so they can take a look at it and at least get the ball rolling and I may also get a new sink made as the one in the van is way past it’s use be lol
Hope you are feeling better today Annie, van can be mended it’s just an annoyance for a short time :)

Yes your right Neil I was annoyed with myself for a while a stupid mistake I was watching a waste bin and didn’t spot the post next to it, nothing that isn’t fixable.?
I had nothing to smile about today firstly I was extremely ill yesterday so much so I sh!t in my toilet instead of in a bag for the first time in years, secondly still feeling ill and not a 100% I ripped my side bumper and a bit of my rear bumper and finally I have some a poorly leg looks like a bite or a allergic reaction, so no I have begged all to smile about today but my name is Annie and I believe the sun will come out tomorrow. ??????

could have been a lot worse annie.......
at least you had a toilet.........so no accident
van bumber ripped..........not a big accident. im sure you will get it fixed soon.
its just when it all comes at once..........its a bad bad day. especially if you are not feeling that good anyway....hope things are better for you today...take care

i smiled today, when i woke and saw the sun...and thought........oh what a lovely day it is.........didnt last long....grey and overcast now...........however, need to stay positive it may get out again later...
While we are in Folkstone next weekend I may ring and see if I can call round so they can take a look at it and at least get the ball rolling and I may also get a new sink made as the one in the van is way past it’s use be lol

They've been doing these things for quite a while now, Annie. You may just be lucky enough for them to have already made a mould for your parts when solving a problem for another customer. It's worth phoning ahead and also sending them a photo of the parts you need. Can you drop in to Canvey on your way to Folkestone? The entrance to their works is up a tiny, narrow alley. I just know you'll love it knowing about your antics when arriving at Wellington, Somerset!
Anton is a really nice guy and very easy to deal with.

Colin :):):)
As I've mentioned elsewhere, it's a bright, sunny, warm day in Hertfordshire. So I went off up the Lee valley along National Cycle Route 6 this morning.
And came across Eric singing 'Bring Me Sunshine':

WP_20180915_10_29_57_Rich (2).jpg

And like magic, there it was alongside him.
He can still make me smile.

Colin ???
could have been a lot worse annie.......
at least you had a toilet.........so no accident
van bumber ripped..........not a big accident. im sure you will get it fixed soon.
its just when it all comes at once..........its a bad bad day. especially if you are not feeling that good anyway....hope things are better for you today...take care


I’m fine today thanks Tricia we all have crap that happens, mine nothing compared to some
I smiled when I caught 2 fish today one I had to chuck back Chris caught 11 but had to put 2 back and we had a seal in the surf trying to steal our fish now that put the smile back on my face. ?
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two youth idiots in tesco

try doing a runner with some bottle of spirits one went flying and droped the some security and staf rugby tackleing them down four sat on top of him police took over ten minute to arrive it was funny watching him do a dive
When g/daughter got my boots for me this morning and she said nana have you got your name in your boots! As you can see that’s what’s inside my boots!!..hahaFBA34B1A-F98F-44A6-B8B7-208C8D4FC52D.jpeg

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