We had a cold but sunny few days last week and when I checked to
solar controller (
Victron Bluesolar 75/15 with Bluetooth dongle) I noticed it hadn’t registered any charge from the
solar panel for a couple of days.
I checked everything I could and couldn’t get it working, so ordered a new
Smartsolar 75/15 (with built in Bluetooth) from Amazon France. It arrived after a couple of days, or so I thought, but in the box was a something else, but with the correct sticker on the box.
I contacted Amazon, they asked me to return the wrong unit and they would refund me and send me a new unit free of charge!
The new controller came yesterday and I fitted it today. It works fine.
Then, I discovered what was wrong with the old unit. A recent firmware update had reset the settings to default which meant it didn’t start charging if the temperature was below 5degrees C and it had been below this earlier( this is a setting for Lithium batteries, which I don’t have)
So, there was nothing wrong with the old unit, luckily, the new didn’t cost me a penny ( or a cent)