Snap.lolChanged my douvet to winter weight. In August ! Missed out autumn.
Mear child,soda 314 thu and as clean as a whistle,head gasket and t/chain at 290 thu,still could touch 50mpg on long flat runs.Regular oil and filter changes keep engines going "forever" especially reasonably modern ones which are made to better tolerances in the first place to meet longterm emissions control.
I had to replace the head gasket on a Passat at 180k miles and it was immaculate inside a just wiped the soot off the head and that was it "decoked" The engine still made its rated bhp at 200k and was going strong when I finally got ride of it at 300k.
Hope they were shotblasted first,epoxy prim and poly 2 pack top coat.
Next job, fix those tiles!
Ia that a specific box for the cassette? or just one that it fits into? (be interested if you have a link?Bought a spare toilet cassette and ordered a sealed box to store it in. Van is coming up to two years old and used all the time so I decided to give it a thorough cleaning inside, it’s amazing how much sand I hoovered out from all the nooks and crannies, even though we clean it out after every trip.